29 / 10 / 12
Love my new Balmain inspired pants from Bikbok. I think they are GORGEOUS!
23 / 10 / 12
Me, at work, preparing.. This is going to be real HYPE! ++
22 / 10 / 12
Jacket from Zara (man) / Sweater from Zara / Bag from Bikbok / Boots from Dinsko / Tights from Gina (old)
Found these cool "fakenails" at Gina Tricot that's easy to apply. Love the hard metallic look. Tips!
19 / 10 / 2012
12 / 10 / 12
Shoes secondhand / shades Lindex / bag karmah.se / polo H&M
On my way to my new office and it feels soo nice. Im ON!
9 / 10 / 12
8 / 10 / 12
New in / 5inch pure love.
6 / 10 / 12
Top Weekday / Dress used as a skirt from Gina / Jacket Karmah.se
1 / 10 / 12
1 and 2 . Me in the city 3. Inside the wekday store 4. The Oslo Opera House
My boyfriend's boss invited us on a Oslo cruise over the weekend. We managed to squeeze in some shopping and cultural stuff in Oslo, though we only had a few hours to ourselves, before it was time to go by sea. On the boat there was access to the relaxation area (read; jacuzzi time!) and diffrent stores for all shopping freaks like me, hehe. They even had a cinema on the boat. And the food, omg its was amazing!